Monday, November 07, 2011

seven days is all she wrote

Well, apparently I have about seven days worth of posts in me.  Yeah, I know.  To the bullets!
  • Today went better than yesterday in the food department, but it still could have been better. I'm trying to reduce snacking, and I made it to 3:45 before I had one--a string cheese. But it was kind of a gateway to a handful of crackers, a cup of cocoa (it was cold in the office!).  There were a few graham crackers this evening, too.  But today was better. 
  • Something in my right foot is hurting, and I'm stiff up and down my right side. Perhaps Mr. Bump's been kicking me in my sleep? Since walking isn't too fun, I didn't run tonight. 
  • I made some vegan pumpkin cupcakes tonight for a wedding on Friday. They were not good. If Mr. Bump doesn't finish a baked good, then it isn't good. Back to the drawing board.
  • The guy who won the ING New York City Marathon yesterday set a course record by two minutes, finishing in 2:05:05. His marathon time is 15 minutes less than my half marathon PR.  Crazy.
  •  I just finished the latest Alan Bradley book in the Flavia de Luce series: I Am Half-Sick of Shadows. I love these books. Start with The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. The protagonist is an 11 year old girl who loves chemistry (especially poisons), her bicycle Gladys, and solving murders. Set in 1950s Britain, the one I just finished is the 4th so far. I love them all, but the first one is the best.  Flavia is one of my all time favorite characters, I have to say.  Alan Bradley talks about her as willful and fully formed. If he tries to get her to do something she doesn't want to, she just gives him a look of withering scorn.
  • I love my Kindle, really I do, but I often find if I'm reading a really excellent book, I don't realize how close I am to the end until I hit the next page button and there is no next page. Dismay is the word, I guess, that describes it.  This happened to me in New Orleans with Bossypants by Tina Fey. Such a bummer. I Am Half-Sick of Shadows was much the same way.  
  • Finally, this Daylight Savings Time is kicking my butt. I'm just fine with that extra hour in the morning, but I start to drag around 9:30. 
On that bullet, I'll say goodnight, sir!  I'll try harder tomorrow for an actual topic.   

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