In the painful squirm section of the newsletter at my gubment job, I was selected for the "answer stupid questions about yourself" column. This is how it turned out.
Current Position:
Case Processor.
Windsor, Colorado.
A Favorite/Interesting Job Before This One:
Creative writing teacher.
Favorite TV Show:
“The Daily Show with John Stewart,”“The Closer,” and “House.”
Last Book You Read that You’ d Recommend:
“Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table” by Ruth Reichl.
Last Movie You Saw that You’d Give a Thumbs Up:
“Wordplay”--a wonderful documentary about The New York Times crossword puzzle.
Kind of Music You Like to Listen To:
Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, some Rock, some Soul.
Three People You’d Like to Meet:
Living? Jon Stewart, David Sedaris, Nigella Lawson.
Dead? Jane Austen, Jimmy Stewart, Julia Child.
Favorite Flower:
Something fake--I can kill a plant with a casual glance or subtle innuendo.
Food(s) You Couldn’t Live Without:
Toast, tea, and a big spoonful of nutella. Maybe coffee. Definitely cheese.
Ooh, and pasta. (Can you tell I wrote this before lunch?)
What You Like to Do in Your Spare Time:
Read. Bake. Snowshoe. Generally lie about in a manner similar to vegetables.
Something Most People Don’t Know About You: I can eat my weight in Milk Duds. I have a tattoo. I once killed a man with my left thumb. (Only one of these is true--I leave
it as an exercise to the reader to decide which one.)
What You'd Choose if You Had the Ability to Do/Be Anything You Wanted:
Travel. Write. Be able to carry a tune.
(Me spell pretty one day)
Well that's fabulous!
For the record, I think the true one is you killed a man with your left thumb. Because he made fun of your milk duds tattoo.
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