That's about all I've got to say about that. Except, does anyone know if you can change your passport picture within 6 weeks of departure? And would you think this is the same person if you were a TSA and/or customs/immigration officer?

Maybe? I guess? Sort of, right? I guess we'll find out...
P.S. - Don't I have a little bit of the Elvis-bloated-near-death look in that passport photo? Man, I was seriously unhealthy. Truthfully, I have very little recollection of how I felt about the way I looked the day that photo was taken. At most I remember having that half-hearted shrug feeling, like "Oh well, I look like crap, but what can I do?" I was way too easy on myself for a very long time. A huge part of weight gain is that feeling like it is all out of your control. I'm fat but it isn't my fault. I can't help it. It's only been recently that I've stepped up to that responsibility. Hey, it was my fault. But the good thing is that I'm also responsible for how I look now. And I know that from now on, gain or lose, I'm the one in charge. Fabulous--I've always wanted to be the boss.

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