"The only advantage in not being too good a housekeeper is that your guests are so pleased to feel how very much better they are." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
I saw this quote in my Real Simple magazine while I was on the elliptical today. It's very appropriate because our dearest friends are coming to visit in April. I'll be keeping this in mind as the excuse for why our house is a crap heap. We're trying to make others feel good through our sacrifice. We wouldn't keep our house a hovel, but we have to put the comfort (and superiority) of our guests above our own needs.
In other "housekeeping" news, I learned the hard way this week that if you want to run a race, you shouldn't wait to sign up for it. Because if you do, it'll sell out. I was planning on a re-match of The Colorado Marathon 10K (long time readers will remember this as my very first race), but sadly, it sold out before I signed up. I don't know what I was waiting for. In my defense I will say that I signed up for it the first time in mid-March, so I didn't expect it to be sold out. And crapity if it is. They send you a nice email telling you that it's sold out, just so you know what it is you can't do it. I could do the 5K, but that's such a short distance, and at $35.00 for a crappy black, poorly fitting technical tee (of which I already have 2 from prior years' participation), I don't think it's a good value.
This month, (actually next weekend!) I'm all set to re-match the Boulder Backroads with the Spring Half-Marathon. In April, I thought about doing the Platte Half Marathon again this year, but I remembered they don't give out medals, which is kind of shady for a half marathon. So I signed up for the Horsetooth Half Marathon in Fort Collins. I have no races on my schedule for May or June yet, so if you have any suggestions that might be cheap or local, I'd love to hear them. July is the Leadville Heavy Half (I'm terrified), and I think that in August I'll rematch the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon (this was the half marathon I had to bail on last year because of the hives).
Part of me would really love to do a race every month this year. I'm off to a good start already, and it keeps me training and keeps my base mileage up. But that's a lot of money. I was all set to do the Rock and Roll San Diego Half in June, but then plane tickets jumped about $100 in one day, and I just couldn't pull the trigger. Maybe I'll go nuts and go for it, or maybe I can find something else. I don't know. I just don't like any of the races here in the summer, they're all 5K run/walks, etc. And it's kind of hot unless you're in the mountains. There's also the fact that I'm supposed to be training for a 15 mile race at 10,000 feet. Oh that.
Well, I'm afraid this post is going to trail off here, but I do hope your weekend is fantastic, and it doesn't involve housekeeping in any way shape or form.
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