Wednesday, March 02, 2011

talk about neverminding

So somehow, according to Google Analytics, I've managed to rid myself of any and all visits to my blog. I'm now officially audience-free.  Bring on the curse words and oversharing!


(Your) Lonely Mrs. Bump

** UPDATE: It appears that it was Google Analytics script that disappeared, rather than my faithful readers. Ah, hell. I'm going to pretend that didn't happen and curse and overshare like a motherfucker!**


Miss Kim said...

I read every single one. Maybe Google Analytics is messing with you?

Chris said...

And I read every post. I don't know anything about GoogAnal, but I wonder if it's tied to searches or typing directly in as opposed to using a link from reader.

Lana Bump said...

Ok, I just re-inserted the code for tracking. I feel like such a genius! Hopefully that works.

Lana Bump said...

Update: it appears my script for analytics went bye bye at some point. I have now, since I fixed it, registered one hit!

olmum said...

Blogging seems to be like feeding experimental rats: if they don't have regular food reinforcement, they go nibble somewhere else. Though that's not too complimentary to your readers...