Tonight we've got a class on tea. We have one tonight and one next Wednesday, and I can't remember if tonight's is Indian black tea or Chinese black tea, but we'll eventually be taking both of them. It should be fun. I haven't taken a class in a while. I'll let you know how it was.
We're also packing for our trip to Monterey tonight. Tomorrow we head off for the airport just before the crack of ass, which to me is 5:00 am. Which means getting up at 4:30. The things we do to use our frequent flyer miles. Ugh.
Anyway, our itinerary includes tea in San Francisco, a stop down at the Hearst Castle in San Simeon, kayaking in Monterey Bay (and a visit to the famous Monterey Bay Aquarium), Big Basin Redwoods State Park, Ano Nuevo Reserve and a deliciously romantic night in Half Moon Bay.
I'm really going to try and blog from the road, but if the laptop doesn't make the baggage cut, I'll be scrounging for a internet cafe or computer at the hotel. If I can't, I'll just keep going when I can blog.
So, what does one learn in classes on different teas? I am not being sarcastic! :) I really am interested!
The tea class was at Lily's Kitchen Garden at 32nd and Lowell in the Highlands. We took the one one Chinese black and oolong tea, and learned about history and how and where in China and Taiwan that tea is grown. Also we learned about how it is dried and "finished." And then we tasted a bunch of different ones--kind of like wine. We have another one next Wednesday on Indian black teas--it should be fun!
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